Care Guide - Swordtail Platy

  • Nov 28, 2023
  • Dan

G'day fellow aquarists! If you're diving into the vibrant world of aquarium keeping Down Under, consider adding a touch of elegance with the Swordtail Platy (Xiphophorus hellerii). As a breeder who's spent years with these beauties, I'm here to guide you through the essentials of caring for Swordtail Platys, from their characteristics to tank mates and even tips on breeding.

What Are Swordtail Platies?

Swordtail Platys are attractive, lively freshwater fish native to Central America. Known for their vibrant colours and distinctively elongated lower fin resembling a sword, these platys are a fantastic choice for beginners.

How to Care for Swordtail Platies

1. Tank Setup:

  • Size: Aim for a 75-litre (20-gallon) tank to provide ample space for your Swordtail Platys.
  • Substrate: Use fine gravel or sand to create a comfortable substrate for foraging.
  • Filtration: Employ a reliable filter to maintain clean and well-aerated water.

2. Water Parameters:

  • Temperature: Keep the water between 24-28°C (75.2-82.4°F).
  • pH Level: Maintain a slightly alkaline to neutral pH, around 7.0-8.0.
  • Water Hardness: Aim for a moderate hardness of 10-20 dGH (179-358 ppm).

3. Feeding:

  • Swordtail Platys are omnivores. Feed them a mix of high-quality flakes, pellets, and occasional live or frozen foods.
  • Include some vegetable matter in their diet, like blanched spinach or spirulina flakes.

4. Tank Enrichment:

  • Provide plants, rocks, and decorations for hiding spots and exploration.
  • Swordtail Platys appreciate a well-decorated tank but leave some open swimming space.

What Fish Make Good Tank Mates?

Swordtail Platys are a friendly bunch, but choosing the right tank mates is crucial:

  • Guppies: Similar in size and temperament, they make excellent companions.
  • Mollies: Peaceful, and they share similar water parameter preferences.
  • Corydoras Catfish: Bottom dwellers that won't bother your platys.

Avoid aggressive or nippy fish to ensure a harmonious community.

How to Breed Swordtail Platys

Breeding Swordtail Platys is a straightforward and exciting process. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Separate Breeding Tank: Set up a separate tank with fine-leaved plants or a breeding box.
  2. Conditioning: Feed them a balanced diet to enhance their health and colours.
  3. Spawning: Swordtail Platys are livebearers. The female will give birth to free-swimming fry.
  4. Fry Care: Once born, the fry are independent. Provide hiding spots and offer them crushed flakes or specialized fry food.

With a bit of care and attention, you might soon witness the delightful sight of tiny Swordtail Platys swimming about!

Remember, keeping Swordtail Platys is a rewarding experience, and they'll bring a splash of colour and energy to your aquarium. If you have any questions or need advice, don't hesitate to ask. Happy fishkeeping!