First Day With My Leica M8

Every year after I do my taxes I reinvest my return into the camera equipment that got me the return in the first place. This year I bought a Leica M8 with a 35mm Voigtlander used on B&H.

Leica m8

This past year I started shooting film, and I quickly realized how expensive that habit was, and so I felt like investing in a nice digital rangefinder would save me money in the long run while still enjoying an analog feel. Here are some photos straight out of camera that I took yesterday around Venice with no post editing. You will see some images have a red tint in skin tones, purple in the blacks, and brown tint in the greens. This camera needs a UV/IR cut filter because the sensor is not able to process that light out on it’s own. This camera was announced in 2006, and is the first digital camera in the M series so I guess that excuses the glitch in the technology. I am still waiting for that filter to come in the mail, but until then imma keep shooting.

Right after I received the lens in the mail I met up with my friend Preston down the street at Deus. They just started serving take away coffee from 8-12 everyday. It has brought back a feeling of normalcy to the neighborhood now that the local coffee spot is serving up drinks again.

I am not quick enough with my Leica yet, so when Preston started popping wheelies in the parking lot I used my trusty iphone with live photo to capture the casual epicness.

Later on in the day I was cruising around town snapping photos, and ended up at Jeremiah’s. We setup his new umbrella and celebrated Cinco de Mayo at the local street taco spot.

They were very prepared with the meats for Cinco de Mayo.

They were very prepared with the meats for Cinco de Mayo.

Later on we went down to the beach to enjoy the sunset. Considering it is supposed to be closed the beach was business as usual with loads of people and quite a few surfers. My Leica battery died shortly after arriving, and I learned that two bars of battery left means almost dead, and that I can get about 150 photos with this battery. lol Thats scarce.


Well, It’s official that I love this camera. The images are spectacular, and I am very stoked on this purchase.

Thanks for Visting!

Much Love,
