Histadrut: Leiman Schlussel Ltd. to be included in the national consumer boycott

Jul 31, 2022

Histadrut chairman Arnon Bar-David announced this evening (Sunday) that he is including the products imported and marketed by the Leiman Schlussel Ltd. company on the consumer boycott list. Brands include Werther’s Original, Hotpop, Nature Valley, Mentos, Loacker, Yogeta, Snyders, and Tinoklin.

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Histadrut chairman Arnon Bar-David: “Our struggle is long, it’s a marathon, not a sprint, and it will continue until the companies in the economy realize that the celebration is over and stop abusing the consumers. The time has come to restore sanity to the country and the economy. I am clarifying once more to the government that if there are no active steps and actions on the matter, I will assemble the Histadrut institutions in early September to declare a labor dispute in the economy.”

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