Awesome Interiors: The HR Giger Bar

I recently stumbled upon this imaginative space created by Swiss artist H. R. Giger. The HR Giger Bar, located in Gruyères, Switzerland provides a unique an otherworldly experience for its visitors. As if from a Science fiction movie or the mind of Antoni Gaudí, the interior (including the ceiling, walls, floors, fittings, tables, and chairs) are all modeled in a skeletal/vertebrae-style that the artist derived from his ‘Alien’ biomechanical environment and character designs.

While fairly monochromatic the atmosphere here skillfully blends both art and architecture with its infusion of texture, layers, and pockets of light and dark. Striking an almost primal bone (feel free to laugh), the use of what appears to be concrete as a skeletal material presents an interesting commentary about spaces where the living surrounded themselves by dead things (i.e. museums).

What do you think about this space? Would you visit? Please leave a comment below  and be sure to check out this great 360 panorama courtesy of Matthias Belz and H.R. Giger Bar’s official website!


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