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Ried in der Riedmark Loop

A road cycling route starting from Ennsdorf

Explore Ried in der Riedmark and surrounding areas on this scenic road cycling route.


Discover the hidden gems of Ried in der Riedmark and its neighboring areas on this road cycling route. With a distance of 76 kilometers and an ascent of 1085 meters, it offers a moderate challenge for amateur cyclists. Enjoy picturesque landscapes, visit historical landmarks, and immerse yourself in the region's natural beauty.

76 km
1085 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Ennsdorf Village center
Ennsdorf: Austria's picturesque Ennsdorf: Prime cycling destination with famous Hundsheimer Berg climb.
Ennsdorf is a small town located in Niederösterreich, Austria. From a cyclist's perspective, the locality offers a mix of both road and gravel cycling routes. The surrounding countryside provides picturesque landscapes and quiet roads, making it ideal for both recreational and competitive cyclists. Ennsdorf is also known for its well-maintained cycling paths, offering a safe and enjoyable riding experience. Nearby, cyclists can explore the famous Hundsheimer Berg climb, a challenging ascent that attracts many cycling enthusiasts. With its cycling-friendly environment and beautiful scenery, Ennsdorf is definitely a great destination for cyclists.
Ried in der RiedmarkVillage
Ried in der Riedmark: Begin your journey in Ried in der Riedmark, a quaint town known for its rural charm and peaceful ambiance.
Teufelskanzel: Cycle to Teufelskanzel, a viewpoint that offers stunning panoramic views over the scenic countryside of Upper Austria.
Tragwein: Ride through Tragwein, a charming village adorned with traditional houses and surrounded by picturesque landscapes.
Ellerberg732 mPeak
Ellerberg: Enjoy the idyllic beauty of Ellerberg, a hilly region covered with lush green forests and meadows.
Plenkerberg706 mPeak
Plenkerberg: Ascend Plenkerberg and marvel at the breathtaking views from its summit, with rolling hills and valleys extending into the distance.
Perg: Discover Perg, a historic town with medieval architecture, pleasant squares, and vibrant cultural events.
Ennsdorf: End your cycle in Ennsdorf, a charming town that invites relaxation and reflection with its tranquil atmosphere and natural landscapes.
Finish: Ennsdorf Village center
Ennsdorf: Austria's picturesque Ennsdorf: Prime cycling destination with famous Hundsheimer Berg climb.

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