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Ober-Grafendorf Circuit

A road cycling route starting from Stattersdorf

Embark on a scenic journey through the charming countryside of Ober-Grafendorf.


The Ober-Grafendorf Circuit is a beautiful road cycling route that takes you on a 47 km journey through the stunning countryside of Niederösterreich, Austria. With a total ascent of 254 meters, this route is suitable for cyclists of all levels. The highlight of the circuit is Ober-Grafendorf, a charming village known for its traditional Austrian architecture. Other highlights along the route include Turnauer Höhe, Haunoldstein, St. Pölten, and Klangturm. Overall, the Ober-Grafendorf Circuit offers a pleasant, scenic ride with a few moderate climbs and cultural attractions along the way.

47 km
254 m
Route profile

Highlights on the route

Start: Brunn Village center
Stattersdorf: Tranquil locality for leisurely rides in Austria
Stattersdorf is a small locality in the Niederösterreich region of Austria. While it may not have as many cycling opportunities as larger towns or cities, Stattersdorf still offers beautiful scenery and peaceful roads for road and gravel cyclists. The area is relatively flat, making it suitable for leisurely rides or beginner cyclists. You can explore the surrounding countryside and enjoy views of the Danube River, which flows nearby. While there are no particularly famous cycling spots or climbs in Stattersdorf itself, it serves as a quaint base for cyclists looking to explore the tranquil Austrian countryside.
Explore Ober-Grafendorf and admire its traditional Austrian architecture.
Türnauer Höhe279 mPeak
Stop by Turnauer Höhe and enjoy its panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes.
Pass through Haunoldstein, a picturesque village nestled in the countryside.
St. PöltenTown
Visit St. Pölten, the capital of Lower Austria, and discover its historical attractions.
Make a detour to Klangturm, an iconic music tower offering panoramic views of St. Pölten.
Finish: Brunn Village center
Stattersdorf: Tranquil locality for leisurely rides in Austria

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