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Heimathaus Vöcklabruck and its collection

Heimathaus Vöcklabruck

Heimathaus Vöcklabruck is a museum situated in the town of Vöcklabruck. It is housed in the former Benefiziatenhaus, a building that is under monument protection. This museum was opened in 1937 following the initiative of District Commissioner Prince Alfred zur Lippe-Weißenfeld. The building was first mentioned in documents in 1508. It fell victim to a major fire in 1542, but it is believed to still contain structural elements from the 12th to 13th centuries.

Exhibits of Rural Life at Heimathaus Vöcklabruck

The museum primarily exhibits objects of rural life. These include decorative and jewelry items such as Goldhauben (traditional Austrian bonnets), Totenkronen (funeral crowns), ceramics, various clothing items, and jewelry. The rural room is dominated by a wooden ceiling, a tiled stove made of Gmundner ceramics, and the opposite table with Herrgottswinkel (a corner of the room dedicated to religious icons).

Bourgeois Life Exhibits at Heimathaus Vöcklabruck

The first floor of the museum is dedicated to bourgeois life. It is divided into a Renaissance, a Baroque and a Biedermeier room, as well as a guild room, a small chamber for city history, and a room for Anton Bruckner and his biographer Max Auer. Each room is filled with relevant artifacts and documents, providing a comprehensive view of the different periods and aspects of bourgeois life.

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DEHeimathaus-Stadtmuseum Vöcklabruck
DEHeimathaus Vöcklabruck (Museum)
DEHeimathaus Stadtmuseum Vöcklabruck
DEVoecklabruck Heritage Museum
DEVoecklabruck Heritage Museum
ENMuseum in Vöcklabruck

Heimathaus Vöcklabruck
Hinterstadt 19

Visitor information Heimathaus Vöcklabruck

Opening hours

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Location & Map

Hinterstadt 19, Vöcklabruck

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