Arbing School Kamobo is considered a social project with the shared vision
“to assist needy children who pay a small fee and get quality education”

It is a non-profit school that was founded by the community in 2014. Since 2015 it has been supported by Arbing meets Africa and is growing steadily. The idea from the Kenyan founders was to gather the small amount of money that was available and create an alternative to the highly overburdened school system for their children. These families, which mostly live below the poverty line, were dreaming of providing a quality valuable education and with that, a better future perspective for their kids.

The Pre and Primary School today provide over 300 places. The underlying idea envisioned by the founders has been carried through during this time, which is why the school still collects small fees from parents. For families that face special hardships, there are relief funds in place as part of the Social Care Program. The project is on the best path to be mostly financially independent from any external financing. Furthermore, the school is still lead by the original founders. Arbing meets Africa is supporting the people of Kamobo to help themselves.

For more see News and Transparancy.