Ouija Board or Spirit Board

Contributed by Hazel Ford

Ouija Board or Spirit Board

The Ouija Board gives us an instrument or a tool to help us to believe that we are talking to the dead, including famous figurs from the past. It has been used over the years by Mediums and Clairvoyants to convince participants that they are making contact with the dead and the planchette moves to different answers or letters on the board to clarify this. It was originally used by the China dynasty around 1100 BC and has since become knows as part of the occult with demonic connotations attached to it. The Victorians became great fans of the Ouija Board but were discovered to be using tricks and gadgets to elicit activity. In modern days it has been used by many different groups and individuals but still retains its authentic content from when it began. It actually became a popular toy for children to buy at one point but the outrage relating to its occult connotations saw it removed from the shelves. We are now as a society becoming more interested in the afterlife and its popularity is again soaring. Again it can be found in children's toy shops. It is a fascinating object which is still used in exactly the same way as it was when it first originated.

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