EUSA Insider:

Henrik Roppen

Age:                  29
Place of Birth:  Ulsteinvik, Norway
University:        Univeristy of Oslo (NOR)
Sport:                Volleyball                                                                                         Published 17 March 2020

How and why did you get involved in Volleyball?
I started playing actively when I attended college. I have been playing for 10 years now. I started because one of my friends introduced me to the sport, and I fell in love immediately. Volleyball gives me a challenge in a lot of different ways, and you get to use various sets of skills. 

What do you study, and how do you balance your study, training and competition?
I am studying marketing and leadership. I also have a full-time job as a team leader at a customer service centre. My work is really flexible to let me do my sport so I can balance trainings and competition at a good level. I must say that studying is not the highest priority at the moment, but I try my very best. Luckily there are 24 hours in a day, so you just have to make the most of it at all times. Even though some days are more hectic than others, I manage to get things to work.


Tell us about your experiences at previous EUSA events, or if EUG2020 is your first EUSA competition, tell us a little bit how you got involved in it?
This will be my first EUSA Games and I am really looking forward to it, to meet a lot of other students and see volleyball at a top level. We as a team are looking for inspiration for the next season. We attended the national championship with high expectations as we really wanted to attend the EUSA Games. I think what I look forward to the most is to see the huge variety of sports at a high level.

What are you looking forward to most in Belgrade, and what are your aspirations?
I really look forward to seeing the city. I have heard so many great things about Belgrade. For us Norwegians the weather will be a nice touch to it all as we are not spoiled with summer. When it comes to the competition itself, I think we will have a hard time on the court. This is mostly to get inspired and learn from other top teams with athletes on a higher level than we are.

“I think what I look forward to the most is to see the huge variety of sports at a high level.” 

Why do you think taking part in university sport is important?
It can create a network between countries and a good relationship. Today’s students are the next world leaders, and we will have to make an impact on the rest of the world. This will hopefully be an arena where the first steps are taken on the way to a better life for generations to come.

What is your most memorable university sport moment?
It must be when we won the national championship this year. Having the gold medal around the neck and being honoured by all the audience was huge. And of course, the after party!


What is your message to European student-athletes like yourself?
Take care of yourself. Be kind to others and include everyone, regardless of religion, ethnicity, skin colour or sexuality. We are equals. Other than that, have fun. Enjoy the Games and make the most out of it. For many of you this is a once in a lifetime experience.

EUSA would like to thank Henrik for his time, and we look forward to seeing him soon, at the 2020 European Universities Games in Belgrade, Serbia!