Manowar - "Warriors of the World"

Austin Sirkin

This is one ass-kicking album. Manowar is an ass-kicking band.

I would best describe Manowar as classic metal, of the swords-and-sorcery variety. They originally took their inspiration from Black Sabbath, back in the 70's. Since then, they've become more focused on Norse mythology (you know, Thor, Odin, etc.) but also accomodate other cultures. For instance, there's one song about Achilles, one song about the American Indians, etc.

This newest album, their 7th, is just as hardcore as their first. It focuses more on American culture in light of the September 11th attack, but also pays homage to Italy with a rendition of "Nessun Dorma" which is an Opera song. Manowar is an American band, but is actually more popular in Europe than in the States.

Warriors of the World follows much in the same vein as their previous albums, showcasing the musical talent of all the members. This is no screaming-voice-with-indistinguishable-lyrics-and-too-loud-guitar bands. Eric Adams (vocals) has perhaps one of the best singing voices I've ever heard in a metal band.

Some people may not take them seriously, but if you play D&D, like Conan movies, or just like swords-and-sorcery themes in general, this is the band for you. You will not find a metal band that's more talented, or more devoted to their fans. Check out this band.