This Halloween, Just Be Harrison Ford

Image may contain Face Human Person and Harrison Ford
Sunset Boulevard

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Harrison Ford has spent the majority of his acting career playing brave guys in badass clothes. To deny yourself the opportunity to step into his shoes for a night is to waste Halloween—and probably some cash, too. Ford's most iconic characters wore common items that you may even already own. All you need are the right mashups and some of the 75-year-old actor's DGAF confidence and you're ready to have your chillest and most handsome Halloween ever. Here, five ideas that are reasonably easy to assemble between now and October 31st.

Indiana Jones

Being Indiana Jones for Halloween is like singing Bohemian Rhapsody at karaoke. It's not the most original choice, but no one's going to get mad about it either. The costume is easy enough to assemble with a quick trip to your local big box store. Just layer on a bunch of tan, nondescript clothing and add a wide-brim to seal the deal. In the event that a whip or gun doesn't feel appropriate, a glowing skull would be an excellent prop—and way more fun to lose in the Uber home.

Bob Falfa in American Graffiti

If you're more of a cowboy than a whip-wielding archaeologist, Ford is here to serve your Halloween needs with his trouble-making, hot-rod driving character in American Graffiti. Black jeans, a white shirt, and a ten gallon hat are really all you need to look the part here. Bonus points if you commit to the character all night by speaking in a Southern drawl and talking serious smack about your friend's rides.

Han Solo in Star Wars

The other obvious but impossible to hate on Harrison Ford Halloween costume choice is, of course, Han Solo. If you're a Star Wars diehard fan, it's a no brainer—especially with the newly titled Solo: A Star Wars Story coming out. It's also the right choice if you've been looking for an excuse to buy some new fall duds. Between the thick Henley, slim navy pants, and badass boots, assembling this costume means adding one dope new item to practically every section of your wardrobe. Yes, even the vest.

Rick Deckard in Blade Runner

Deckard is a Ford costume that's highly nostalgic but timely enough, what with that little sequel in theaters and everything. Still, 2049 (by way 2017) Deckard's wardrobe can't hold a candle to his 2019 (by way of 1982) stylings. To play the part of a plainclothes police officer in a science fiction film set in the future (but filmed in the past) is to wear truly fantastic clothes. Namely, a clashing button-down and tie, a huge brown trench coat overtop, and a very good buzz-cut.

Any Character Where Harrison Ford Wore a Suit

Ford has played heroes in big hats and baller outerwear, and he's also played a lot of guys in suits. A lot. If you're the type of person to the wait until the all of the skull props and cowboy hats are long gone, throw on a suit and call yourself Jack Trainer in Working Girl. Or President James Marshall in Air Force One. Or Jack Ryan in Patriot Games. Or any of the other business men/doctors/talk show hosts Ford has played during his 40+ year career. People might not figure out what you're getting at right away, but at least you won't have to settle for a white bed sheet with two eye holes.

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