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Burgruine Glanegg Trip Packages
Burgruine Glanegg Trip Packages

Burgruine Glanegg

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About Burgruine Glanegg

The citadel ruins Glanegg is positioned in the middle of the valley of the Glan inside the municipality Glanegg within the federal country of Carinthia in Austria. Glanegg Castle is after Castle Hochosterwitz and Castle Landskron the 0.33 largest fortification in Carinthia. Castle Glanegg is first cited in documents in 1121; First owner become the Carinthian Duke Henry III. From the noble own family of Eppensteiner. After his dying in 1122, his nephew Count Bernhard von Spanheim inherited the fort.

He also bequeathed it to a nephew, Margrave Ottokar III. Of Steyr; his son Duke Ottokar IV left the fort to Leopold V after his death in 1192. Many other noblemen called the fort Glanegg their own. 1473 to 1478 became threatened with the aid of the Turkish invasions and the Glantal, but the Turks did no longer reach taking the castle. After three other owners ruled in 1534 King Ferdinand I over the fort, however he needed to go away them due to high debt Ulrich II of Ernau, who rebuilt the fort into a citadel. In 1588, his heirs became the assets of Glanegg Castle.

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