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Billboard in Georgia compares Obama to Hitler

A controversial new anti-Obama digital billboard has popped up in Forsyth County, Ga., just north of Atlanta, NBC affiliate WXIA reports.

A controversial new anti-Obama digital billboard has popped up in Forsyth County, Ga., just north of Atlanta, NBC affiliate WXIA reports.

The billboard displays five different anti-Obama messages, including "More Jobs, Less B.O." and "I was anti-Obama before anti-Obama was cool."

The most controversial image shows a picture of Adolf Hilter in the look of Shepard Fairey's iconic Obama "Hope" poster with the words "Yes we can" written below, and "Comrade Obama" written next to it, along with a hammer and sickle.

It's unclear who sponsored the billboard.

The Georgia signs join a string of anti-Obama billboards we've seen this year, including a tea party sponsored billboard in Indiana that drew complaints last week for comparing Osama Bin Laden and the president as being a "threat to America." Earlier this week The New York Times highlighted a series of billboards in Florida criticizing the president and linking foreign policy to gas prices.

Not all signage denigrating President Obama this election season deals with policy or socialist comparisons, but even the ugly messages can have an impact. A PoliticsNation viewer sent us this picture earlier this week of a sign spotted in Northern Wisconsin, which says "Spooks are 4 Halloween, not for pres," and big letters and "NOBAMA" along the side. The viewer noted he was especially bothered by the sign because the local school bus passes it twice daily.