Forget Pills or Ointments and Try Navel Therapy To Cure Daily Ailments

Navel therapy is a great way to deal with several issues. Just by applying oil on your belly button, you can fix health woes.
Forget Pills or Ointments and Try Navel Therapy To Cure Daily Ailments

The belly button is an underrated part of the body. This is a magic spot that literally connects to almost all parts of the body which is why it has a special place in Ayurveda. Navel therapy is a natural therapy that can prove to be a powerful remedy for myriad day-to-day health problems. If you like to pop a pill for headaches or regular pain, you must try navel therapy to get satisfactory relief. Navel oil massage or navel bath therapy done with natural or medicated oils is a must-try. Here are some navel massage therapy recommendations for different health problems.

1. Neem Oil for acne and pimples

Neem oil

Do you know that applying oil on your belly button can cure skin problems? Those pesky pimples and unsightly acne spots can be cured if you apply neem oil to your navel daily. Neem oil has anti-bacterial properties that help in treating skin woes.

2. Almond Oil for facial glow

almond oil

If you see your face losing its natural charm, conduct navel therapy with almond oil. Upon regular massage, you’d see visible results within a few weeks. Almond oil is an all-in-one oil that is good for both skin and hair. Massage your belly button with organic almond oil to restore facial glow.

3. Mustard Oil for chapped lips

 mustard oil

Mustard oil is being widely used in cooking but that is not all. This natural oil is also used for skin and hair for its rejuvenating and moisturizing properties. Surprisingly, mustard oil can treat chapped lips. Try this navel therapy hack to hydrate the lips and prevent them from drying and peeling.

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4. Coconut oil for hair

coconut oil

Coconut oil is essential in your beauty cabinet as this is amazing as both skincare and haircare products. Massaging the navel with coconut oil not only helps in bettering the quality and texture of your hair but it is also said to aid fertility. You must try this.

5. Lemon oil for face pigmentation

Lemon oil

Lemon essential oil is a hidden gem. Buy organic lemon essential oil and massage it into your navel to see your skin pigmentation problem fade away. Lemon oil contains acidic properties that potentially fix the pigmentation signs from the skin.

6. Ghee or clarified butter for soft skin

In Indian households, ghee or clarified butter has a permanent place in the kitchen. Ghee has fat in it which helps in skin-smoothening and moisturizing. While you might not want to apply this on your face, you can certainly massage this into your belly button to get similar results without your face feeling oily or sticky.

cotton dipped

Also Read: Applying Oil On The Belly Button Can Get Rid Of Chapped Lips

7. Cotton dipped in alcohol 

Applying alcohol on your navel can also help in treating different issues. Dip a cotton ball in alcohol such as brandy and place it on your navel. This can ease the condition of the cold and flu. Similarly, applying brandy on the navel can reduce menstrual pain in women.

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