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Simon Whetham / Matt Ling / Hypnotized Chickens / Guillermo Pizarro

Sunday December 10 * 7pm * TICKETS

Simon Whetham explores the energy and effects of sound, from resonance and psychoacoustic effects to the transduction of sound as movement and light. Recent projects find him repurposing obsolete consumer technology in kinetic performances and installations, notably "Made to Malfunction" and "Successive Actions".

Matt Ling

Hypnotized chickens
Maryland-based drone artists Alma Laprida and Zottoh join forces to craft noisy, immersive soundscapes using miniature synthesizers and an array of pedals. Their sonic explorations overlap the dark and the playful.

Guillermo Pizarro: Flag Day Recordings operator, Guillermo Pizarro uses field recordings, tapes, harsh noise, synths and ambient textures to achieve his cinematic storytelling through sound.